Monday, February 28, 2011

Because You asked:

Because You asked: Are Humans Really Beings of Light? 
Integrating the Healing Arts of Science, Medicine and Spirituality.

Energy is the impelling force for all bio-chemical reactions, physiological mechanisms, and neural pathways in the Human-Body or the Human Bio-system. 
Energy modulated through Light or Sound frequency is a form of information. It is a form of Modulated Intelligence. Light and Sound are the Language Your body or Your Human Bio-System responds to and uses as a Communication system.

Cellular Vesicle Action: The top images represent the signals sent to the computer by the vesicle (L) and the receptor cell (R). The middle picture is a computer composite of the two showing the cell accepting a vesicle. Well, that, or a rejected Pink Floyd album cover. 
University of Copenhagen: Science Daily”
Each cell, molecule and particle within our system has its own innate intelligence and memory. The whole system is interconnected and symbiotic. From the macrocosm to the microcosm, All Existence is Energy. Everything is a form of Energy. Energy manifests in infinite forms and has inherent electromagnetic and vibrational properties.
We are Energy in form and we possess the same inherent properties.
As we have discussed previously, Consciousness, Thought or Mind Energy, understood as intelligence, modulated through frequency, and translated into vibration provides the most powerful vehicle for assimilating and integrating information into our cells. We have also outlined the concepts of directing your “systems’ response” through focused intent and the command of your own personal biology.
Laws and Dynamics of Energy State:
Energy is never lost, never destroyed, it can only be transformed or transmuted into another state and therefore infinite.
You are infinite:
You are Energy in Form and a Source of Infinite Energy and Infinite Intelligence, Created to be “self-directed, and “self-sustained”.
The compilation of articles in review by Dan Eden:
gives insight to support and suggest medical and scientific evidence of a New Paradigm of understanding of the Unique and Infinite Creations that we truly are.
I personally found it interesting and helpful, when reading this article to remember that each time the word Light was mentioned ... to acknowledge it as another word for Information or intelligence.

Light = information

[Above] All vibrations of energy are part of the electro-magnetic spectrum. These include electrical energy, heat, sound, light, radio waves and radioactive waves. UV light is merely a small portion of the spectrum of EM energy with a very short wavelength.
I look forward to your comments and experiences.
Till next time,
D Sorkin M.D. 
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1 comment:

  1. and in the space between the nucleus and the electron, what are we going to call THAT? :-)


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