Monday, February 28, 2011

Because You asked:

Because You asked: Are Humans Really Beings of Light? 
Integrating the Healing Arts of Science, Medicine and Spirituality.

Energy is the impelling force for all bio-chemical reactions, physiological mechanisms, and neural pathways in the Human-Body or the Human Bio-system. 
Energy modulated through Light or Sound frequency is a form of information. It is a form of Modulated Intelligence. Light and Sound are the Language Your body or Your Human Bio-System responds to and uses as a Communication system.

Cellular Vesicle Action: The top images represent the signals sent to the computer by the vesicle (L) and the receptor cell (R). The middle picture is a computer composite of the two showing the cell accepting a vesicle. Well, that, or a rejected Pink Floyd album cover. 
University of Copenhagen: Science Daily”
Each cell, molecule and particle within our system has its own innate intelligence and memory. The whole system is interconnected and symbiotic. From the macrocosm to the microcosm, All Existence is Energy. Everything is a form of Energy. Energy manifests in infinite forms and has inherent electromagnetic and vibrational properties.
We are Energy in form and we possess the same inherent properties.
As we have discussed previously, Consciousness, Thought or Mind Energy, understood as intelligence, modulated through frequency, and translated into vibration provides the most powerful vehicle for assimilating and integrating information into our cells. We have also outlined the concepts of directing your “systems’ response” through focused intent and the command of your own personal biology.
Laws and Dynamics of Energy State:
Energy is never lost, never destroyed, it can only be transformed or transmuted into another state and therefore infinite.
You are infinite:
You are Energy in Form and a Source of Infinite Energy and Infinite Intelligence, Created to be “self-directed, and “self-sustained”.
The compilation of articles in review by Dan Eden:
gives insight to support and suggest medical and scientific evidence of a New Paradigm of understanding of the Unique and Infinite Creations that we truly are.
I personally found it interesting and helpful, when reading this article to remember that each time the word Light was mentioned ... to acknowledge it as another word for Information or intelligence.

Light = information

[Above] All vibrations of energy are part of the electro-magnetic spectrum. These include electrical energy, heat, sound, light, radio waves and radioactive waves. UV light is merely a small portion of the spectrum of EM energy with a very short wavelength.
I look forward to your comments and experiences.
Till next time,
D Sorkin M.D. 
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Copyright © 2011-12. 
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this written material on the condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely

Thursday, February 24, 2011

We are Creators of Reality by Inherent Design

Part 1: Creating From a Blank Slate.

You are a Magnificent, Powerful, Complex Creation,
With infinite potentiality, Self-directing and Self-sustaining.

The film Validation is a short fable film by Kurt Kuenne; it is demonstrative of the power of words, presence, and the ability to change a reality. It is also a wonderful visual example of the “Creative Process” and the “Elements” required to bring matter into form.
Your Thoughts, Every Thought has the Potentiality to Manifest into Form.
Energy modulated by thought, word, deed or action is a dynamic exchange of information.
Resonance provides the mechanism for this dynamic exchange.
Very Simply stated ... “What you put out ... Is what you get back” …

Why not make Your Experience a directive preference? 

I have mentioned the segment coming up in the Aliquots of Enlightenment series called “The Creative Process”: Let us now begin to break it down.

So in true Fast Track Style:
The Creative Process: Bare Basics
There is no magic nor mystery to this process, you engage it in every moment and in every experience. The piece you need to remember is: 

How to do it Consciously.

It is through the conscious awareness and knowledge of Fundamental Physical Laws and Universal Principles that we can begin to understand and thus direct the creative process.

Thought or Mind Energy or Consciousness is directed with specific and focused intent utilizing a unique specific formula, frequency and timing sequence

 As this intended thought finds its vibrational match it will manifest in alignment with the absolute value of that formula. 

There are many versions of this Formula. The one cited in example here is described by: The Visible and Invisible Worlds of God by Caroline Cory (Copyright 2004 I Universe Books) 
Creation = Intent/Thought + Desire + Belief + Surrender is described in a formulated sequence. 
My experience of this Formulation is as follows and I will direct my intent now to describe this in Words. 

All elements of this formula are very specific in terms of a vibrational/mathematical/timing sequence which will derive a specific inception point, thereby, allowing the manifestation of that asking in accordance with its absolute value.  
I will elaborate a bit more in detail the sub-components of Intent; As I utilize the formula in my experience.
INTENT: is to include:
1) The alignment I desire. (To whom/where am I directing this request)?
2) It is formulated to be specific but allows for infinite potentiality.  
3) It states Purpose: Who and what does this creation serve? Does it serve the highest and purest potential for myself and others? Understanding that Every Thing and All Things are interconnected, as you create, it's impact and effects are felt as a whole. 

DESIRE: is the formula Element that evokes an emotion or "intensity". I have previously stated that Emotion is a powerful programming tool and a critical element.
BELIEF: Here we ask: Do we really believe that we can manifest this creation? This is a bit tricky, requires some real introspection, and clearing work to be done first.

The Blank Slate: is a Conscious Creation or Co-creation from a state of no pre-conceived or pre-programmed belief sets. The ability to perceive from a neutral state and then to “in the moment or desired experience” to Consciously assign it meaning: thus evoking an emotion (frequency/ vibration) as an “intensifying” programming tool.

Our perceptions of reality are based on our beliefs. When we Believe something to be true we assign it emotion, a very powerful programming tool which then reinforces the perception/belief cycle.
SURRENDER: Uncondition-ality
This element requires you to completely release the outcome. That means you must release control of: How it will occur, if it will occur, when it will occur or any version of that.
You must resolve or dissolve into the Knowing, that it will show up in some way or in some form at some time, that is most aligned with your asking. Ahhh ... And that’s where the fun comes in!  Additionally, I will add, to recognize that manifested creation requires in-the-present-moment awareness.
So now let’s examine the Film Short: "Validation", in terms of the Creative Formula and of course viewed from my perspective and from my experience. Because all perceptions are derived from one's individual experience. 
INTENT: The intent was present and clear. He was serving himself and others bringing them to a higher vibratory state of joy and thus, offering them a higher state of awareness and consciousness. Energy is a dynamic exchange and so his expansion was being served as well.
DESIRE: There seemed no lacking there. He feels to be passionate, present and engaged. He sits endlessly in a basement garage giving momentum to his creation. I would rather be on a beach, but it’s his creation.
BELIEF: On first pass one would say ... Hmm ... Yes, look at his success. He believes in what he created without limitations, that is, until he is not able to reproduce the same desired effect in one person. He then becomes desperate, despondent, seeking and questioning in his ability. His Belief falters ... or did he really have that element to begin with? I am happy to say he regains that in the end.
SURRENDER: This came as a process for him. As we see in the film it was not until he released the Condition-ality of his Intent and gave up the seeking or the controlling of the outcome, that he was truly able to manifest all of his heart’s desires. In this release, in this uncondition-ality or this surrender, the highest and purest potential of manifestation aligned for his asking, was manifested in a seemingly serendipitious way.
The whole Creative Process need not be complicated if directed with fundamental understanding and conscious Intent. 

It is a Choice.
We are Creators by Inherent Design: 
Isn't it time NOW for us to learn HOW to consciously create our Reality?

Till Next time: Creating From a Blank Slate; The Power In Being Mindless
Hmmmm ... ??? 
D. Sorkin MD
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Copyright © 2011-12. 
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this written material on the condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The ABC's of Spiritual Resuscitation:

The ABC's of Spiritual Resuscitation: Where do you Source?

O.k. Big Topic, but as always, we will do it … “Fast Track Style”.
Lets review, 
All existence is energy. Everything is a form of Energy. Energy manifests in infinite forms and has inherent electromagnetic and vibrational properties.
We are Energy in form and we possess the same inherent properties. 
We have explored the concept of MIND ENERGY or THOUGHT, as an expressed form of energy and its direct influence on our cellular and genetic make up. 

"Our thoughts - Mind Energy - Consciousness controls our genes and therefore controls the expression of our Being and our Reality".

So now let's begin to understand how to Consciously Command your Biology, your Well-Being and your Reality.
Basic Life Support: 
Awareness Breathing Connection

So many of us have lost our Conscious Awareness of our moment-to-moment activities. We have programmed ourselves and even our children, to be crazy busy, to have full schedules and to max out our days … all to confirm our productivity and by extension define our value.

We move from “moment to moment” and cannot remember why or how we got there. What is the purpose? Why am I here?  What am I doing?

We are distracted from ourselves.

We do things “just because”, believing it will take us somewhere else, somewhere better, some place where we will have more. We do things because it looks good on a resume, it makes us appear important, beautiful, wealthy or smart. We do this to get the attention, the recognition, the value stamp of someone or something outside of our self. Through this constant barrage of seeking and wanting we perpetuate a cycle of a powerful programming of belief of “worthiness” or dare I say of “unworthiness”.

We as Individuals and as a Collective Consciousness have agreed to have this sort of programmed arrangement and most times we adhere to it. 

This seeking behavior of more ... of doing more, of becoming more, wanting more, has blunted our innate ability to recognize what it is we actually “need” for ourselves.   
This programming or information input, has distracted our attention, our focus, and our thoughts away from our own innate guidance of self awareness, to rely on an External Stimulus Program of guidance.

This patterning and programmed behavior of distraction and disconnection from self-awareness and feeling has left us impotent in our ability to self-direct and self-sustain.
In turn, we have evolved into a society where it is commonplace and accepted as NORMAL to be angry, confused, frustrated, anxious and sick. This has become the Acceptable Consensus of a Collective Reality.

This is Not a Normal State of Being and we Do have the ability to direct our well-being and reality. But it is your choice. You are the Collective Consciousness and as such, you determine the Consensus Reality and you do that by placing your Attention and Focus and Thoughts on Changing You.

Your Thoughts, Every Thought has the Potentiality to Manifest into Form.

Thought is energy, so why not Direct yours with Conscious Awareness? 
Awareness Breathing Connection
 Awareness: Reprogramming

1.) Learn self-awareness though practicing stillness, free of all external stimulus and distraction. All stimulus input is a form of programming; it is information input.  
STOP * PAUSE * REFRESH * All Systems.

2.) Quiet your mind - This is crucial - Create a Systems Shutdown and Scan. This usually takes a bit of practice so don’t be discouraged. First, make a commitment: To sit for an amount of time that you feel comfortable with. Practice this every day for 30 days. It takes, on average (but you are more than average) this amount of time to imprint and integrate this new behavior.

Here are some starter tools and with practice, it will become a no-brainer.

3.) Focus your attention inward and observe how your body feels. Listen to your body. Bring and maintain your focus on your heart center, Feel through your Heart
Feel your Heartbeat, and Feel your Breath move in and out with each respiration.

Develop this connection and relationship with your self. Your body is a miraculous and powerful apparatus that Holds and Expresses your Being.

Recognize how your body reacts by feeling its reaction to: confrontation, fear, joy, love, and to peace. Ask to remember and recognize this emotional guidance through this sense of feeling. YES, that’s right I said “Ask”.

Your body’s feeling response to these emotions is powerful guidance. Use them as such. Love, Peace, Joy, and Fun are higher vibrations or frequency states that are consistent with harmony, balance and intrinsic states of well-beingFear, Anger, Frustration etc. are lower vibrations or frequency states, which our internal visceral systems respond to, as misaligned or inconsistent information attempting to be imputed. In that moment of Awareness you can make a choice to accept or override that informational data. Data Input whether Conscious or Unconscious sets up within our Bio-systems a series of Biochemical, Physiological, and Cellular Responses creating an environment conducive for Dis-ease or Well-Being.

Ask, Listen and Allow: These are valuable tools for developing any relationship. Why not start with the one relationship that makes a difference? 
Still and Focus Exercise:

Focus and attention to the Breath serves to instantly connect us back to our being. It shifts our Awareness from “out there”, back to, “in here”. Used when experiencing stress or conflict it breaks the cycle and immediately reconnects us back to a place of calm and clarity. The body’s physiological response to conscious and focused breathing is a sequenced biochemical chain of events that raises our vibration and then allows higher states of consciousness to be obtained. Higher Vibratory or Frequency states can be perceived as calm, peace, joy or love.

Dr. Herbert Benson: Harvard Benson Institute of MBM

Eckhart Tolle: One Conscious Breath 

Connection: Where do you Source?

There are many types of Meditation. There are mediation techniques that herald from the most ancient traditions and those that are more contemporary and based on scientific evidence of physiological impact. 

The meditative approach most referenced in the scientific community is of the Concentrative Nature meaning, the focus of the meditation is based on method of breath observation, an image or a sound. This type of meditation shifts your focus, to immediately induce a Bio-System relaxation response and make you more receptive to higher states of consciousness. We have previously stated that thought or mind energy or consciousness is a form of modulated intelligence. If by inducing a meditative state we are opening up an allowance of streaming Data information, intelligence or consciousness, wouldn’t it be prudent to understand where that stream is originated - in other words, where that Stream is Sourced?

If we are to be the self-directive creators of our health and well-being and our reality shouldn’t we stream our information from a pure, untainted and infinite database? 

So what should we look for when choosing a practice: Here are some starter considerations:
1.) Choose a Practice that is Comfortable and Feels right for you. 
2.) Choose a practice that you can commit to on a daily basis. 
3.) One that incorporates a technique that stills the mind, connects the awareness of breath and self.
4.) Include a practice that induces the relaxation response, raises the vibration to allow Higher States of Consciousness.
5.) Directs and then Draws information from a pure Source Stream. 
6.) Keeps you grounded (we are electromagnetic energy in form).
7.) Directs a protected or Sacred Space, a space totally dedicated for you. Free of interfering energies; and ideally in a space that is free of all other electronic devices, interference, and free of distractions.
There are so many different meditations to chose from feel free to explore and discover.
This is a short effective meditation that I use in my practice.

Connecting to Source Caroline Cory - OMnium Universe:
Always Be Connected: Awareness Breathing Connection
Till next time
D. Sorkin M.D.
Post your comments please by clicking on "comment" below. 
You may contact me directly @
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Copyright © 2011-12. 
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this written material on the condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.