Tuesday, November 13, 2012


“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched- they must be felt with the heart”
 hellen keller
Emotions generate Feeling
Feeling is the basic navigational system for your
physical earthly experience.


Our Physical Human Experience is uniquely and exquisitely SENSORY……… 
We are Multidimensional and Multi- sensory beings:

We have our 5 End Organ Sensory Systems and we have our
connection and communication with our Higher Consciousness.
 Our Higher Consciousness  “speaks to us” and guides us with Emotions that are translated as FEELING and received, through a unique system, via the “Central Organ of Perception”. 
We can call this central organ of perception our Heart- Brain. It is here in the heart that the 3 forms of energy of mind – body and spirit merge and communicate higher levels of wisdom.

 Heart – Brain???
 YEP- That is what  I said……

 It is Heart Intel, a very complex and unique system for Human guidance.

The Sustainable Human understands the operation of his design.
 As such, he embraces this system of guidance as a exquisite, unique experience of physicality.
No other can feel something for you and therefore, no other can express that uniqueness of feeling experience- other than you.

The Human Sensory Systems Perceives EM frequency (modulated intelligence or information) using sensory organs that receive and perceive vibration.

PLEASE READ THIS next part - very, very, slowly and allow yourself to really feel this.
 In fact draw your attention to your heart and begin to feel what is behind the written words, let us take it to the next level and it moves like this:

 You are energetically, receiving and reading the information encoded in Light frequency thru your organs of sensory perception. Your core Heart Intel is collating, interpreting the information thru a complex and interconnected neuro- biochemical system and then the information is reflected back to you as experience.

 We can say, emotions are packets of vibratory information, (light packets) that allow us to experience, discern and then apply Universal concepts of higher wisdom within a physical format or in other words, your physical reality experience.

They are meant to direct you, alert you, and be perceived as a form of guidance from your higher being by creating a sensory experience of
feeling with in your body.  
FEELS BAD- OOPS! Not so on task.  Warning – Take Heed – Pause- Step Back Jack, you need to realign and re- think your last move.

Having an emotion translated into feeling is designed to PROMPT a RESPONSE.   It is how you choose to RESPOND, and the frequency of information you choose as your response, that will determine your physical experience of a given situation or scenario.

Simplistically stated:  If you are signaled- FEELS GOOD- IT’S A GO, you are on task.
You are energy in form and you are always sending, receiving, responding and sharing information whether you are conscious of it or not.


When you are aligned with your higher wisdom- your higher consciousness, working together as a “navigational - team”, your options for response become clear from a place beyond the limiting constructs of belief- based understanding. 
In this alignment you design your experience in the dynamic flow of unlimited possibilities. 
That’s the level of understanding and operation of a conscious, directive and empowered sustainable human.

For more information on the Sustainable Human 101: learning more of who you are and the mechanics of how we operate by design, feel free to explore my website and upcoming event. 

The Sustainable Human 101E- Series -The Creative Mechanics of Health. 

Begins NOVEMBER 26th 2012 

Till then -next time
D . Sorkin

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Sustainable Human -101

 Directive or Implied Consent?

All information is fed and assimilated into your body’s system via an energetic exchange.
Your body is receiving and sending information, just like your Mac or PC 

We interact with energy in all forms everyday.
 All interactions are a form of energy exchange.

Your thoughts, and by extension your words, deeds, and actions are all forms of energy information that are both reflected and received.
You- through some form of consent, whether it is implied or directive, assimilate that Energy Information and authorize transfer of that information to your consciousness. It is then translated and reflected as physical experience.
Therefore, it follows that your experiences and your choices are always directed by your consent.
 The caveat is, are they ‘intentionally and consciously’ or unintentionally directed?

It is the idea of thought, translated as energy information, its effect, and influence on our cellular and genetic make up, is becoming more defined and acceptable as points of reference within the scientific community. One area of science and study called ‘Epigenetics’ demonstrates how your environment and your choices can influence your genetic code and by extension that of your expression and physical experience.. 
Your thoughts, consciousness, or mind energy information and its effect on your healing have been well recognized, accepted and demonstrated in the Placebo effect and additionally, the Nocebo effect.
This as well as many, evolving models acknowledge the well-documented concepts of perception and beliefs that have proven to affect and alter our physical wellness and experience.


Today, The good news is that we are understanding more of the mechanics of how this all works, so that we can become conscious empowered, directive and Sustainable Humans Both in PRACTICE, and Theory. It just takes a bit of re- education and practice to realize how amazing we are.

For more information on the Sustainable Human 101: learning more of who you are and the mechanics of how we operate by design, feel free to explore my website and upcoming event
The Sustainable Human 101E- Series - The Creative Mechanics of Health.

Begins NOVEMBER 26th 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012


    Finally we can begin to understand and truly experience the meaning of–  

      “The Universe is within you and Everything you need is inside you.” 

You are an Electromagnetic being, operating a complex Neuro- Biochemical Physiology. 
You are Energy in Form and you operate, function and create with the Universal Laws and Principals of Energy dynamics. 

In this series, we will begin to understand, experience and apply, the governing Universal Laws and principles of energy dynamics that allow us to function and create as conscious, sustainable, energetic beings of human form.

Everything is a form of energy information; of intelligence, of consciousness -including our physical body and systems and therefore we function and create our physical experience - operating with the fundamental mechanics of these laws.  

In developing a New Paradigm of Collective and  Scientific agreement, we are redefining and expanding the understanding of gene expression and our role in the functioning capacities of how “genetic information” is directed and expressed, based on our understanding of who we are as an Energetic beings. 

Recognizing this new knowledge will thus challenge us to explore and expand our definition and experience of “self”.

In this class we will begin to understand ourselves as empowered and unlimited beings, as we discover, how we are the dynamic directors of our biology and experience.

       I invite you to join me to explore and experience more of what it means to be:
            An Amazing, Empowered, Creative and Conscious Sustainable Human.

                                 We are the Ones we have been waiting for
We have arrived.

For more information on the Sustainable Human 101: learning more of who you are and the mechanics of how we operate by design, feel free to explore my website and upcoming events. 

       The Sustainable Human 101E- Series -The Creative Mechanics of Health.
Begins NOVEMBER 26th 2012