Sunday, April 10, 2011

Judge Not the Experience of Another

Commonality of Trust: The Principle of Goodness.
We are magnificent, intelligent, multi-sensory and multi-dimensional beings, interactive, and resonant with all things.
Dimensions or dimensional realities exist within ranges of frequencies. Simplistically you may imagine that an ‘experience’ that is perceived as ‘fearful’, will be resonant within a particular frequency range or dimension. Alternately, an experience that is viewed or perceived as ‘joyful’ will have another frequency range and set of resonant coordinates or dimension. 
We have previously discussed that information, modulated through frequency is, manifested somatically as a resonate feeling within our Human Bio-System.
We attract and create through a process of vibrational resonance, whether we are conscious of it or not. In essence each and every experience in our reality we have created and attracted. 
It is a perception that is resonant to a particular frequency range, which is based on a belief that defines your reality.
The perception of an experience labeled or projected as ‘Good or Bad’, ‘Positive or Negative’ is just a projected subjective perception, and resonant experience to a particular frequency. 
You may choose, in any experience to alter your ‘view’ or point of perception from one of a lower resonant vibration/frequency such as; anger, jealousy, confusion, and fear to one of higher resonant frequency such as; compassion, love, gratitude, acceptance and peace.
Higher vibratory states are experienced as being expansive, feeling good, and allow for the flow of infinite creative potential.
Lower vibratory patterns that emerge from fear-based beliefs such as, fear of poverty, sickness, disease or death for example are restrictive, and limiting to your creative potential. Moreover, you are designed to sense them as a resonant ‘feeling’ within your being that signals as an ‘opportunity’ to choose another point of perception. As you shift your perception to a higher vibrational frequency, to one which is aligned with your true nature, you are able to create a new reality, one that is reflective of who you really are.
You are a resonant being and where you place your focused attention is the point of perception from which you will create and experience.
Change your belief, change your perception, alter your frequency, and thus change  your reality. It is that simple. You are the only one in charge of your reality. No One else can do it for you.  
How then can we develop OUR mastery when we are flooded with images and revelations of war, poverty, disaster, disease, suffering, and conspiracy?
Take Responsibility for You:
It is your choice which point of perception or which frequency you wish to view the experience from.
You can only take responsibility for you, for it is only your experience. However remembering, ... All of Creation is interconnected and therefore, any experience you create for you IS affecting and adding to the experience of the Whole. That is inclusive of all creative forms, All Thoughts, Deeds, Words and Actions. You are an individual Aspect of the Whole. You cannot be separate from it.
Your choice of focus not only determines your individual reality but it adds to the collective reality as well.
You must change you:
If you are looking in the mirror and you see a reflection of a frown, you don’t wait till the mirror smiles. You must smile first in order for the refection to change.
You must become your own instrument of change. You get to decide your own reflection. 
If you choose to dwell on suffering, drama, and fear. then that will become your reality and it will also become your contribution to the whole. 
If you choose to focus on the innate Wisdom in each encounter, and in each experience, then that will become your reality, and that will become your contribution to the whole.
Accepting that you are the creator of all that you experience is a point of empowerment. By allowing yourself to accept and to understand, YOU create your reality. You transform from a position of a Victim, to a position of Master.
In fact, as we question Our life, Our purpose, and Our reason for being, we can say we are here to learn, to experience, and to master our creative abilities in a physical material reality. 
We are all here for the same Purpose, to add our Experience with great reverence, for all of Creation, by Expansion of Consciousness through a material physical vehicle.
Herein, lies the Commonality of Trust, the inherent principle of Goodness understood as a frequency, a substrate, and an element of the foundational Universal formula from which We are All created, embody, and uniquely express.
It’s Our Conscious and responsible recognition, acceptance, and remembrance, that All are Created to express their uniqueness for the same purpose ... that of Creation that upholds the truth of our magnificent being.
Observe without Judgment:  
If we understand that the intention behind all that is brought to our experience is purposeful in its foundational concept of Creation and Expansion of Consciousness, we can then appreciate the innate goodness of All experiences, without the need for judgment.

Choose to observe the experience of others without judgment. 

Judgment implies a projected belief. Beliefs are static and limiting constructs.

Respect and observe the creative experiences of others and the reality construct they choose, but do not allow their construct experience to merge, alter, or affect yours unless it is your conscious choice. 

Be Aware of the power you hold, as you allow unconditionally another their own experience, knowing, and accepting in the Commonality of Trust, the Principle of Goodness that we all have One True Purpose.

How do WE desire our reality construct to be? How do we begin to break it down so that we understand the responsible, conscious mastery of our creative abilities in each moment?

Discern: What is useful to your experience and what is not. Shift your experience to the resonant frequency of your preference. It does not matter what the outside appears to be. You assign it meaning. You are the creator of your reality.
As our movie cleverly demonstrates there are always many ‘points of perception’ to view any experience from.
Accept: That how and what you choose to experience and what you do not, is always your Choice and your Experience. 

You are a powerful Creator of an individual and collective reality. Respond and Create from that perspective, that frequency, and that knowing.
It is in this frequency of knowing, that you are calling forth the alignment of your highest and purest potential and purpose for yourself and others.

“Speak as a God.  Think as a God.  Allow not the distractions of your day, humanness, or body to own you and enslave you in such a fashion that it belittles the very creation of who you are.  Step outside of the body and observe it as a vehicle that you instruct, a vehicle that transports you through space and time in every way and in every thought”.
In closing reference: 

As human beings and intelligent life, we are informed where or how we are vibrating through our “Emotional Guidance System”. It is this "Heart Centered", sensitive human GPS that detects human emotions as resonant vibratory frequencies. It is these frequencies, which are representative of information, translated as feelings, that are somatic manifestations of acquired beliefs, and patterns that should be used to guide us back into alignment to “who we really are".
We are magnificent, complex beings created with the formula, the substrate, the frequency of Love, Truth, Beauty and Goodness. In the alignment of this frequency, we tap into that which we really are and it is in this alignment that we can create from a pure field of infinite potentiality.
Focus and Create with your being a Sustainable Creative Reality, free of limitations, fear, disease and suffering, fill it with the Infinite potentiality available now for all Humanity.
Humanity is asking for this. The Children are asking for his.      
The Planet is asking for this.

The girl who Silenced the World for 5 Minutes

It’s not magic. It is skill. It is choice. 
It is Intent.
We ARE all that. Believe it. 

Create with your Mastery A New Paradigm of Being.

Helpful Techniques to Raise Your Vibration: 
Connection: Where do you Source?

Till next time,
D Sorkin M.D.

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