Friday, December 30, 2011

The New Sustainable Human:
Our Conscious Evolution 2012
I invite you to continue to explore the New Paradigm of Health as ‘Wellness’, which is expressed as a self-directed process of experiential learning, contrast and creative mastery.

In the New Paradigm the Sustainable Human maintains Health by a process of balance and resonant coherence of systems at all scale.
As we continue our journey we will address the foundational principles and dynamic nature of the Human Biology, Consciousness and the Energetic Systems as it relates to the understanding of: 
The Care and Maintenance of the Sustainable Human
 We will explore the anatomical/physiological/psychological mechanics and structure of this intricate relationship, as it relates to your daily practical skill, development and understanding of your guidance system and evolution of your Human experience.
These systems when understood and directed in wholeness reflect a harmonious state of sustainable health and well-being.

Till next time … I thank you for your time and
I look forward to this next exciting new Co-Creative experience in 2012.  As we continue on this journey of conscious evolution into higher states of awareness ….
May you embrace and be at peace with who you are and where you are now … as you hold deep gratitude and excitement, for this amazing Human Experience.

D Sorkin M.D. 
Details to be announced @ News and Events

Copyright © 2011-12.
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this written material on the condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed.


  1. Will be curious to get your views on wellness and alternative healthcare practices in the New Paradigm....I have disagreements with close friends regarding the role of "treatment" vs. energetic work to affect symptomatic and chronic healthcare issues. To your health, heart, mind, body and soul in 2012.....

  2. jwf2.tao…. You echo the concerns of many…
    “..I have disagreements with close friends regarding the role of "treatment" vs. energetic work to affect symptomatic and chronic healthcare issues.”….. and this would be my response….

    It is a process of education or re-education…. This is an evolution, an advancement of our understanding of science and medicine. It requires re- defining ourselves as much more than we have been previously taught to believe.
    It requires patience, compassion and honoring the support that your body may require during this time of transition and as you hold a new attentiveness of your amazing capacity to self- sustain.

    It is a process of ‘self- directed mastery’, which takes awareness education, discernment and skill development.
    For how can you begin to understand and to consciously and responsibly direct your health when you do not understand how dis-ease or dysfunction is created?

    This is an exciting time… Thank you for your comments and for sharing this time with me. I look forward to a continuing dialogue as we pioneer forward, addressing the new science of consciousness, medicine and the sustainable human.
    D Sorkin


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