Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Listen to Your Body.

 By Roy Lichtenstein

Learn To Feel through your heart, what is right for you.

Focus your attention inward at the heart center and observe how your body feels.
Recognize how your body reacts by feeling its reaction to: confrontation, fear, joy, love, and to peace.

Your body’s feeling response to these emotional states is a powerful system of guidance. Use them as such.
Love, Peace, Joy, and Fun are higher vibratory or frequency states that are consistent with harmony, balance, and intrinsic states of well-being.

Fear, Anger, Frustration, and Confusion are lower vibratory or frequency states, which represent misaligned or inconsistent information attempting to be inputed. In that moment of Awareness, you can make a choice to accept or override that informational data.
Making this shift can be as simple as taking a single breath, shifting your thought and directing your intent to that of a higher vibrational state.

The information you Input whether Consciously or Unconsciously accepted, sets up within your Body a series of Biochemical, Physiological, and Cellular Responses. Your Vibratory state, the frequency and the information it holds creates an environment conducive for Dis-ease or Well-Being.

Listen, Feel, and Respond
This is the navigational system of the Sustainable Human. Your body is a miraculous and powerful apparatus that Accommodates and Expresses your Being. Understanding the mechanics of who you are and what you are made of will allow you to make conscious, intelligent and directive choices about your own Health and Well-Being.
Listen, Feel, and Respond
These are valuable tools for developing any relationship.
Why not start with the one relationship that makes a difference?

Till next time:

D Sorkin
Helpful techniques to raise your vibration:

Copyright © 2011-12.
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this written material on the condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed.

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