Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Sustainable Human

Part 2: The Art of Graceful Transition
The Amazing Human Experience
The subject of change, transition, of ‘dying or the shedding of the human form’, and similar questions related to this clandestine subject are conventionally asked in whispered tones, layered in fear and often preceded by a devastating or life altering event. That is however, a very old, very tired game, and unless it still serves you in some way, it is time to move forward onto a new playing ground of expanded awareness and directive choice.

The intent of this passage is to openly discuss and bring light to a subject traditionally held as a quiet self-examination, with conclusions based on knowledge drawn from the inferences of religious text, sociological based or inherited belief systems. 
IT is knowledge that empowers choice and it is the freedom of the imagination, which allows us access to our innate higher wisdom, of “feeling knowledge” and of truth.
So then, let us change it up … Here it is … straight up.
Change or transition, is the dynamic aspect of life and Joy is the directive frequency of information that allows us to know with certitude, that we are aligned in our life purpose.
WE learn and mature as an essence, as a soul with each experience, and thus we expand our levels of awareness and consciousness.
We decide our course through choice. 
You define your experience.
We are not victims to ‘circumstance’ unless we choose to believe so and even that is a directive choice.
It is with each experience, that we design our life story, our life composition if you will, and these choices direct a beginning, filler, and transitional end. You write that story. You direct that story and live that story. If things around you are looking “ugly” and you are not feeling joyful of your experience, it is time to re-define your experience and ........... 
...... Photoshop, Reconstruct, and Reprogram the landscape of your reality.
We direct our experiences each day by choice and yet at some point we still confront and address what is perceived as formidable questions of change, transition, and of our own mortality. 
The Irony of this questioning is that we are the choice makers, the directors, the visionaries, of our existence, and we decide the experience. Thus then, the object of fear, doubt, of purpose, and of our experience of transitioning is a self-directed choice.

All of Creation is purposeful.
Creation gives us life, we give that life meaning by creating, and living our experience and thus creating Is our purpose. We are gifted this ‘Unconditionally’ and it is sustained in ‘Love’.
How we choose to experience this gift is our choice.

Understanding who you are as an essence, an infinite being of a perfected blueprint / formula and embracing the true Human experience allows you to transition from each experience with grace, reverence, compassion and gratitude. 
There is never the need to wait till the extreme of circumstance begs our attention or to remain silently unaware until our last moments command clarity over confusion. Never. We direct our experiences, always, without exception, and the choice we hold is whether to do it consciously or not.
So in Recap .......
IT is knowledge that empowers choice and it is the freedom of the imagination, which allows us access to our innate higher wisdom, of feeling knowledge and of truth. Re-examine, redefine, and reset your living landscape, all of it, for there is nothing that must Be unless you will it so.
Let the games begin .......
So let’s Just Imagine, ‘The Amazing Human Journey’…

Imagine that the truth of why we have come is to have an exquisite experience, an opportunity to refine our craft, and creative abilities, by experiencing all that we create. 
Just imagine that by choosing this vehicle, this magnificent complex physical, and sensory apparatus we call a body, we could taste, smell, see, and FEEL all that we create. 
We could in effect become our creations as we merge our senses with our ideas.
Through this experience, this merging, and blending of our Creative force, we would learn to hold and appreciate with great respect, gratitude, and love all that we create ... 
We become benevolent Conscious Creators.
 We come here to fulfill that desire.
We come to expand our Consciousness, Master our perceived Human limitations, and to refine our creative abilities through a material physical vehicle. 
We create and we experience our creations with the intent to evolve consciousness so uniquely, through contrast situations, through choice, and through responsibility so that we may learn to create in alignment with Universal Principles applied within the context of Physical Laws.
We understand that this is a very cool, unique, and coveted opportunity to explore and expand consciousness, mature our own creative abilities, and to evolve spiritually. It is our intent to complete our task without distraction or delay.
We understand and welcome the challenge all in fun and excitement and we challenge ourselves to get it done with clarity and precision.
We are the choice-makers, the directors and the visionaries of our life story and the experiences of that story.
From this vantage we are powerful, unlimited and creative authors filled with joy, love, and gratitude for this exhilarating ride.
Now, that’s my perception of one of the most exquisite and exciting experiences offered for consciousness expansion, and if you’re here ... well, seems you bought the golden ticket for the same ride. 

So relax, trust in you, as a greater consciousness and allow your own innate higher wisdom to align in Source flow and guide you through feeling as you transition into your next adventure …

The Blame Game is over, The Field is reset … so smile, tip your hat, and with swagger in your stride move on feeling wiser and far richer for the experience. You are kind of a big deal … you know

Next Up: Understanding The Transitional Phase of “Human Health” and Re-defining the Parameters of Healing.

Till next time,

Deborah Sorkin M.D.

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