Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Sustainable Human

Topic: Introduction
The Awakening of Human Consciousness
This is a New Day, A New Time, and A New Paradigm
Humanity is awakening and we can acknowledge and recognize the Awakening of Consciousness as an acceleration and ascension to a new level of awareness, a new level of being for humanity, and for the earth planet herself. In short, we are being given freedom and the bestowal to create from a blank slate a New Paradigm. So the question is how does that work and what does that mean?
This New Paradigm Supports and Empowers all Inhabitants to live and create from a foundation of Truth and Transparency, Harmony and Balance.

The Old Paradigm Supported a “Precarious” State of Being
If we look at the world around us we can see unusual weather patterning, geophysical events, governmental defaults, and uprisings. Our state of health portrays a picture with alarming numbers of  obesity, cancer, heart disease, and psychiatric disorders. We, as a global society have come to acknowledge and accept death, disease, suffering, poverty, and to accept this ‘tentative’ general state of being as inevitable. Overwhelmed, frustrated and feeling powerless, we looked for the quick fix feel-good resolve.
Here is my message: This precarious state represents an Old Paradigm, which was programmed and dictated by fear, lack, by years and lifetimes of acquired limiting patterns, and belief systems. These limiting patterns and beliefs have rendered us as a global society mesmerized, unquestioning, naïve and forgetful of our innate ability to live a healthy, joyful, creative, harmonious, and peaceful life of our choice. 
This precarious, limited and finite state of being should not be considered or accepted as such without question or discernment.
In the New paradigm, discernment is determined via ‘feeling or experiencing the information’ through our physical apparatus and our emotional guidance system. All information input including our definitions and beliefs are filtered through this system. 
In terms of our physical well-being, those definitions and beliefs, which you hold, that are in alignment with your original essence or formula, guide you through ‘feeling’ to create and maintain an optimal environment for well being on all levels, emotional, physical, mental, spiritual and energetic. 

We have access to so much information that supports this message and is available to you now including new scientific models.
The New Paradigm Supports Self-Sustaining Health and Well-Being.

You were created by unique design to be self-correcting and self-sustaining; you were not created to endure disease, suffering and limitation of expression. Each cell in your body has a programmed intelligence that knows how to self- correct, self-maintain and self-sustain. Its innate intelligence understands the dynamics of equilibrium and systems balance and you are the director of this miraculous Creation. This is your vehicle to explore and create with for as long as you choose. Learning to read your body’s systems and support its functions and maintenance requirements is a responsibility of co-creative ownership. You have the ability and the right to have and maintain a youthful, vital, healthy, balanced physicality for as long as you choose. Your body, your physicality is an amazing gift, with abilities far beyond what you have yet to experience. As you embark on and embrace this New Paradigm of living and being you will develop a co-creative relationship that will amaze you in its perfection and design.
The New Paradigm Employs Feeling as an Indicator for Conscious Resonate Creation.

This is an experiential reality. This means that you command your own ‘state of being’ which will be directed through your own experience of information presented in each situation encountered and as each moment arises. The outcomes will not be based on, nor predicted by your past experience.
It is through resonant feeling that you will be able to discern the truth and therefore then decide, if the information received is useful to your experience or not. Gather your information however you choose, but discern the truth of that information for you, through feeling.

I was trained as an emergency medicine physician to rapidly assimilate, process and extrapolate data to diagnosis disease and to initiate appropriate treatment protocols; but I will admit that the most valuable tool of survival was “gut instinct or feeling”. It is that feeling, in the moment of experience that allows you to know with absolute certitude that this time calls for something other than a protocol. At the time of my ER practice I was only partially aware of this gift and had no real awareness of the mechanics behind it and therefore I just thought I was a smart street kid, lucky or a bit of both. Learning the mechanics allows you to consciously direct your innate abilities.

Feeling is the tool, the locator, and the indicator to recognize the ‘balance point’ or our alignment with our true nature, our true ‘state of being’ or in other words, our ‘authentic energetic signature’.

When we are in awareness with that alignment, with that energy or signature, we command a physical reality from the foundation of our “authentic self” from our “Wholeness of Being”. We, in that alignment command our reality from a position that is based on an empowered, highly conscious, and spiritually evolved state of being. 
You have a choice to become empowered, to change, and to choose for yourself your ‘state of being’. However, you must be willing to take charge, take responsibility, and learn how to create without limitations in alignment with the integrity of your higher wisdom.

It is time to step out, drop the drama, leave the past behind, stop dwelling on the ‘he did that or she did that’. It is time to stop the ‘I can not do this because … and I would if …’.
It is time to give momentum to what you really desire, that which gives you Joy. Take a step … any step will do, if that is what you desire. You can do it; it is your right to be that which you desire, and moreover it is what you were created to BE.
Many of us have viewed shows, such as America's Got Talent or shows of similar nature. Who are the ones that touch your heartstrings? Who are those players that make you emotional, that are exemplary, that make you FEEL that against all odds, any thing and all things are possible? That is a resonance. That is you, telling you, showing you and reminding you of who you really are; an amazing, resilient, intelligent being with infinite talents, gifts and potentiality.
We can choose to view these times as extraordinary, difficult and challenging, which I acknowledge they can be, but we can also choose to Experience these times as a stimulus, a catalyst or a vehicle for transformation of times gone bad to a ‘New Era’ of Awakened Consciousness, a New Paradigm of Living, Being, of Health, Prosperity, Cooperation, and Harmony.
I recognize that stepping out of and beyond what is the consensus of understanding is not always an easy task. I have been there and done that, so I humbly acknowledge your hesitation and the fear and anxiety that accompany change, but you must make that first step, no one else can do it for you. Take the proverbial ‘Red Pill’ and don’t look back. 
You are a unique aspect of Creation, with unique gifts, talents, and a unique signature that you came to share.
Share your unique talents and gifts whatever they are and just imagine. Imagine a world that knows no war, fear, no poverty, no Illness and no disease. Just imagine a world where your work is
 creative play. Just imagine a world where we live in balance and harmony with all things, a world with no waste, no pollution, clean air and water. A world where no one is wanting, no one is needing and all awaken and go to sleep in a blanket of peace and of calm. A world where you can feel within your own being love and joy just because you are and just because you exist. Just imagine a world that excites and inspires you. 

Imagine and create that world in your mind and plant the seeds. Give it presence. Give it life. Give it form. Nurture that vision.
SO STRAIGHT UP, this is what’s up ... It's time to move on
Eliminate, Delete and Transform ...

It’s time to clean house, and begin to prepare our way for ‘Our New Chapter’ as an ‘Evolving, Conscious, and Exemplary Species’. So let’s start by taking a look at the definitions and beliefs you still hold onto and consider putting this as a Reminder in your transformational toolbox:  
Any belief system that supports a doubt or fear of inability needs to go. 
Let’s take for example words and phrases like:
1) But I would if ... 2) I can't because ... 3) Look what They/He/She ... did to me 
4) I need to do this first ...
  That is Old Paradigm and delete, delete, delete.
When you hear, see, sense, or say these under any circumstance, STOP! 

Breathe and repeat ... Old Paradigm …That is not me, That is Not who I am.
Then replace that thought with the question: WHY NOT? 
Is it something I desire, then Why NOT??? Ask: Will it serve my highest and purest potential and in that serve others? 

FEEL IT ... OWN IT!  Then allow and imagine yourself to be whatever it is you desire, picture it, hold it, write it, sing it, draw it, and create it in your mind. When you do that, you allow yourself to ‘be-come’ that vibration, that frequency … Feel it and remember that feeling. Imprint it and go to your heart, then remember that feeling and allow it to settle and to integrate into your being. 

The Old Paradigm dictates: doing something because it’s expected or conditional upon a reward or acknowledgement by others.
Conditionality and serving the expectations of others is a limiting belief.

As my kids would say, you are the “boss of you”, so examine your current beliefs and definitions. If they do not serve you, redefine them.
Remember: there is no such thing as ‘Need’ in your world, for there is no lack.
Fast track New Paradigm Particulars:
New Paradigm: Serving your highest and purest potential is in service of self and others, as all things interact and impact one another.
New Paradigm = Being the vibration that brings you joy, that which is closest to your true nature.
New Paradigm = Creating and being that which you desire Unconditionally and without Expectation and JUST BECAUSE! Meaning: write, sing, dance, sleep, breathe, swim, run, draw,
 plant, build, and create JUST BECAUSE, not because you expect anyone else’s approval, acceptance or acknowledgement.

Nothing is impossible. Things are only as difficult as you imagine them to be. Look for those that inspire you … and take what is useful to your experience and create your version of that and do it with passion and with ‘wholeness of being’. That is what you came here to do, now in this time.

All Creations are Valued and All Creations are Valuable.

Do what makes you happy and do it UNCONDITIONALLY, meaning do it just because it brings YOU joy. Do it even if no one else is doing it and especially because no one else is doing it, because no one can do it the way you will!

Consciousness and the ‘formula’ you are created from and in the likeness of is reverent of all Creations.

Thank you for sharing your time,

Next up: The Application of Joy 
Until next time
D. Sorkin M.D.
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