"Every action in our lives touches on some chord that will
vibrate in eternity."
Edwin H.Chapin
When I was a young pre- med student, I was assigned a position of
‘observation only’
to a rather busy emergency room, staffed in those days by a single physician and a small, but dedicated team of nurses.
I remember the first patient I observed. He arrived to the emergency room, in critical and unstable condition.
I could feel his fear, confusion and anxiety.
He was vulnerable, distressed, and terrified by the chaotic movements around him
and so was I…
I can also recall, so vividly, the feeling of complete stillness that filled the room, as the voice of the attending physician was heard.
As she entered, she approached her patient, took his hand, and in a calm, yet directive presence, engaged his focus to only her.
She held in complete awareness and command, to all that was needed to be ordered in each critical moment, and she never waivered from her connection to her patient.
She was directive, compassionate, focused and decisive and her reassuring presence of calm, was felt by all.
Her composed, peaceful, posture and presence was the ordering force for all around her.
It was in this moment, I knew, this is what I wanted to give, to be.
It was a defining moment in my life, that was set forth into motion,
as I remained unnoticed,
an invisible observer, to all that was shared.
She never knew my name and we never spoke a word.
It was many years later, when I was as an attending physician that our paths crossed.
I told her of our story, our connection, how she shaped and elevated my understanding of who I was to be and how she helped to make clear,
the gifts I wanted to share.
When I was done, she thanked me and she said,
‘It is not often that you will know, who you will touch or how it will happen.’
Then she looked at me and said very gently, with great humility and yet, with such depth of emotion- so clearly felt as a profound resonance of the heart…
‘I was just being who I am and living my passion and that’s all you can do’.
We are entering a new era of time.
An ‘emergence or breaking out’ to a new way-of global awareness and citizenship.
We are being moved by a conscious awareness, of connection and of unity.
We are recognizing that diversity is not something that should threatens us.
This new conscious awareness recognizes that it is the harmonizing of our uniqueness, that is the impetus, that creates the momentum and drives us to greatness.
This very new concept challenges us to find our place- as one and as all.
Where do we fit? What do we do?
How do we ‘break out and emerge’ to express and share our gifts in a new way?
How will we make our mark, our unique imprint to set the future?
How do we truly engage in this new calling for change?
In answer to this, I quote the very wise, who have gone before with understated influence.
‘I was just being who I am and living my passion and that’s all you can do… it is not often that you will know who you will touch or how it will happen.’
And to that I say…
Live from the focus and direction of your heart
and you will just know…
You are the change that will move the Earth to greatness.
Deborah Sorkin MD
The Sustainable Human 101