Directive or Implied Consent?
information is fed and assimilated into your body’s system via an energetic
Your body
is receiving and sending information, just like your Mac or PC
interact with energy in all forms everyday.
All interactions are a form of energy exchange.
thoughts, and by extension your words, deeds, and actions are all forms of energy
information that are both reflected and received.
through some form of consent, whether it is implied or directive, assimilate
that Energy Information and authorize transfer of that information to your
consciousness. It is then translated and reflected as physical experience.
Therefore, it follows that your experiences and
your choices are always directed by your consent.
caveat is, are they ‘intentionally and consciously’ or
unintentionally directed?
It is the idea of thought,
translated as energy information, its effect, and influence on our cellular and
genetic make up, is becoming
more defined and acceptable as points of reference within the scientific
community. One area of science and study called ‘Epigenetics’ demonstrates how your environment and your
choices can influence your genetic code and by extension that of your
expression and physical experience..
thoughts, consciousness, or mind energy information and its effect on your
healing have been well
recognized, accepted and demonstrated in the Placebo effect and additionally,
the Nocebo effect.
This as well as many, evolving models acknowledge
the well-documented concepts of perception and beliefs that have proven to
affect and alter our physical wellness and experience.
The good news is that we are understanding more of the mechanics of how this
all works, so that we can become conscious empowered, directive and Sustainable
Humans Both in PRACTICE, and Theory. It just takes a bit of re- education and
practice to realize how amazing we are.
For more information on the Sustainable Human 101:
learning more of who you are and the mechanics of how we operate by design,
feel free to explore my website and upcoming event
Sustainable Human 101E- Series - The Creative Mechanics of Health.
NOVEMBER 26th 2012
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