Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Sustainable Human:

Part 1: The Application of “Joy”

Understanding Your “Formula”
The New Paradigm for Humanity is for Consciousness Expansion and Spiritual Evolution based on infinite potentiality and the freedom to express your essence, your true nature or formula in ‘Unity Awareness’.

This means that as a Global Society we express, create and evolve from our inherent benevolent attributes or encodings.
The original formula, blueprint, the Original Specifications, that from which we were created and that which sustains us, as ‘members’ of this Universal Creation is a Pure Consciousness. This Consciousness may be called by many names, but it is recognized within our physicality as a vibration, as frequency, and translates as an instructional language that your ‘body’ understands and responds to. 

 In other words, that formulation is encoded and acknowledged within your being and every cell, every molecule, every particle, and every fiber of your being operates with that basic instruction set.

The ‘attributes’ that you hold and operate from are based on Universal Laws and Principles, which are Multidimensional, resonant and designed to be coherent with all of created intelligent life. All life Evolves in concert with all things.

So let’s begin by understanding a bit about your DNA or rather the attributes of the programs that are inherent within that physiological machinery:

Physicality and the Human Body:

The unfolding Story of DNA: One Man’s Junk is Another Man’s Treasure.
According to our current scientific understanding: Life is specified by genomes. Every organism, including humans, has a genome that contains all of the biological information needed to build and maintain a living example of that organism. The biological information contained in a genome is encoded in its deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and is divided into discrete units called genes. Genes code for proteins that attach to the genome at the appropriate positions and switch on a series of reactions called gene expression.  ...
Until recently, Molecular Biology ascribed to the understanding that DNA functioning and coding occurs in just a small portion of the gene and that approximately 98% is non-coding DNA or “Junk DNA”. There is increasing evidence now to suggest that this greater portion of DNA has various regulating roles and that this non-coding or junk DNA has influence on the coding behavior of the genes or the ‘Coding DNA’. But this relationship is not well understood as of yet and there is reason for this perplexing scientific quandary and that is Quantum.
Science tells us that an organism’s genome is comprised of the sum total of all its genetic information and that information is its encoded blueprint. In developing a New Paradigm of Scientific agreement, we need to redefine the understanding and functioning capacities of what “genetic information” dictates.
In the old paradigm our capabilities, technology, and understandings were directed and limited within a linear framework and not with a full understanding and acceptance of its multidimensionality and quantum existence.
I propose this question from an expanded view for your consideration: What treasures lie within your Junk ? What information and capacities, lies in that yet to be defined non- coding machinery? 
The Universe wastes nothing and all of creation is with purpose.

The Quantum Answers:

You were created from and in the likeness of a Multidimensional Infinite Pure Consciousness, which by its nature has the ability to self-correct and self-sustain. It is that blueprint, formula or in other words that program which is encoded within your being and allows you to access the aspect of you we call ‘The Sustainable Human’.

This formula or encoding endows you with all the rights and privileges that prevail throughout all the rest of this Creation and that includes being an infinite and eternal energy form. You are uniquely created to explore and expand consciousness though a physical material form with a feeling apparatus. You are of a formula, Unique to this Universe, Created through the Creative Source of this Universe and as you exist in this Universe, you are sustained by that energy. 

Each cell, organ, body system has that same formula and it knows what to do. In fact your body, as well as all of life, seeks naturally that state of perfect balance equilibrium and harmony, which is ordered by that primordial frequency. We call it by the name of Love, in concept, but it is also a frequency, a formula, and a blueprint. It is the genesis of all frequencies and all instruction sets. It is perceived as light and it is felt vibrationally, somatically within our being and we call it Love, and it is Love which we organically seek, and it is Love which is understood cognitively, and emotionally. However, the Love we understand has been defined with limitations and conditionality; the depth and understanding of the Universal principles and attributes of Love are far greater than we have yet to experience. It is the foundation and the ordering principle for all of Creation. 

How then can we begin to discern and experience for ourselves the truth of our being?

The Quantum Answer and the Foundational Principle:

By raising your Vibration and Connecting with the frequency of that Infinite Pure Consciousness, that which we call by many names, is the information recognized by and Is the language that your body, your physicality, and your being Understands, Resonates and Entrains to.

You cannot perceive that which you are not the vibration of.

I love the depth and dimensionality of this concept and we shall visit this concept again but for Now:

Be the vibration you wish to perceive.
Detach from that which is perceived and felt as limiting and, fear -based information. Discern through heart-centered feeling, and navigate these times from the truth of your being. Keep it simple and keep it clean. If it feels good it’s a go ... If it feels off ... Beware. Receive clarity through feeling and Stay in the balance point. You are learning to operate from a new navigating system. You are the commander of all information input into your system. That includes all assimilated information, including but not limited to: thoughts, words, personal interactions, foods, and chemical applications etc. Be discerning.

The order of Love, of Joy, of Truth, Beauty, and of Goodness are principles and formulas of information that are operational instruction sets. 

This information resides within you, like the unspecified DNA, that quantum information is held within you. All that you need to access and to navigate any reality is within you. It is the ‘Stuff’ you are made of and when you match your  true signature vibration you are your state of ‘Being’. It is a state of resonance with your authentic self, your true instruction set.
As you match, merge, entrain to that vibration, that frequency, you become of that frequency, and thus, you access the information of that vibrational match. If that information contains a program that is aligned with youth, vitality, connectivity, harmony, and balance then that is what your ‘Systems’ responses will entrain too. It will repair, rebalance, and sustain.

This is a primer to the conscious evolution of our species and the creative instruction sets, which begins and is operational NOW.

So Straight up ... This is What is up: This is about raising your vibration so that you may access and consciously evolve to your full creative potential in alignment with your greater spiritual wisdom and in Unity consciousness.

The Application of ‘JOY’

Don’t be shy, feel silly or hesitate to act on your Joy. That feeling is your GUIDE.

I use ‘joy’ because it evokes in most a “Resonant Feeling” that we can identify with that is less clouded by the misaligned beliefs, definitions, experiences, and feelings that arise from our current concept, definition and belief of ‘LOVE’ or even ‘PEACE’.
I believe that almost everyone can acknowledge one time, one moment, one experience where you felt utter joy, happiness, elation, euphoria, jubilation or great excitement. A feel good moment, a time where you felt absorbed in an exquisite experience.
Go ahead, go into, and access your memory systems, and pick one ... One exquisite remembrance of Joy ... Pick one that gives you goose bumps and makes your face smile, makes your heart radiate, and illuminates your presence.  Pick one … Just one Remember that moment. Focus on that experience, give it presence, give it life, and then go to your heart and feel.
It is that ‘Heart Centered’ feeling that can be used as reference point to how our True nature or essence, or in other words, our true encoding ‘feels’, and that feeling is what guides us, always … without question and without exception.

If during your day, you find yourself in a place that doesn’t feel good or that doesn’t resonate with that feeling of Joy … STOP and guide yourself back to your Source connection.

#1 Transformational tool Is Connecting To Source

So I will leave you now with this thought, as you create. You may add your own thoughts or intentions as you choose to express in your own words, and as you sit in your own sacred space, in alignment with your own true Being, Creator, and Source. 
Sit quietly free of distracting elements or thoughts, ask for this to be so and breathe. Breathe comfortably until you feel relaxed. I have found that breathing though the nose, and out of the mouth at a rate and pace that is comfortable for you to be very effective in calming the mind and to assist in raising your vibration quickly.
It is the breath that connects all life, and it is the breath that allows a deep physiological / biochemical response within your body. When you use your breath to relax, you allow yourself to connect consciously with higher states of awareness, higher states of consciousness, higher states of information and inspirations of your True being. You are raising your Vibration to resonate or match that higher state of being allowing you to access information naturally and seamlessly.
Be directive of your connection while in your expanded state. In my experience and meditation or prayer, I specifically direct my Connection to the Source of all of life within this Universe, that which created, permeates, and sustains all within it. For me this experience and direction feels correct and makes sense since we are of that formula, as we exist within this Universe at this time, and are made of that “image” or formula.
We are Co-creating with that Source and draw from that pure intelligence as an aspect of creation.  Ask for what you want and what you would like to create and co-create. We have been given free will to direct our experience … however, you  must be directive to resonate with that Energy and  to draw from that intelligence.

A note: We have spoken of frequency and vibration and there will be more to come. I would however at this time like to explain why I use certain terms or phrases so that you may have an awareness of the ‘How and Why’ for your own discernment, of course.
The specific term “To intend”: is likened to a frequency / vibration of “commitment” in its purest sense and as such is very powerful in its asking. The specific phrase  “And so it is ...” is a frequency of powerful understanding that it is a KNOWING that your request, your asking will be done, and as such it is a surrender to that Knowing as you are the creator  and co creator of your reality. Unconditionally.
That’s how powerful you are and that is how unconditionally Loved and Gifted you are.
Full reference and Connection to Source Meditation can be viewed at my webpage:

Feeling is the tool, the locator, the indicator to recognize the “balance point” or our alignment with our true nature, our true state of Being or in other words, our “authentic energetic signature” and our alignment with Source, that pure stream of Infinite Potentiality and Unconditional Love.
I thank you for sharing your Time  
Till next time,
D Sorkin
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Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this written material on the condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

1 comment:

  1. Deb,
    That post was such a wonderful reminder of who we Truly Are at all times, and how to constantly create from within, no matter the outer illusory circumstances. I love the scientific format in which you blend your to_the_point information with the Source energy which can sometimes feel so elusive, but is always ever present. Thank you so much for sharing your potent knowledge with us!
    ~ JAustin


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