If Everything Is “All Good” Then Why Do I Feel So Bad?
Systems ALERT: ‘Stress and Trauma’ … you have been ‘hacked, hijacked and spammed’.
Today I would like to address the concept of ‘Stress and Trauma’ in a New way:
Stress and Trauma are the fundamental bio – hazards to your physical body. They are the number one agents that hold captive your physicality in an unnatural, unhealthy and degenerative state.
Let’s define the meaning of ‘Stress’ and its partner ‘Trauma’ so we have a clear understanding of its mechanism and ability to limit our creative expression and alter our perfectly designed physical vehicle.
Stress is a physiological response and a somatic indicator if you will, that occurs when the body is out of alignment with its intrinsic program.
The stress response occurs when the body’s ‘information systems’ interpret incoming data as inconsistent with its natural organic functioning and if left unchecked …..
It is made manifest in the ‘world of 3Ds’ :)
Disorder, Dysfunction, and Disease.
In other words ... “you feel bad”. This can be obvious in a physical sense i.e ... aches and pains, or be present as an emotional imbalance, i.e. sadness or anger. But it may be presented in a not so obvious or insidious way such as, diminished mental functioning, i.e. confusion or forgetfulness or as a feeling of being spiritually compromised; i.e.: feeling empty or alone.
We most times try to ignore these symptoms or maladies hoping they will just spontaneously and miraculously resolve, or wait until we feel completely compromised, vulnerable, and then seek ‘professional advise’.
Learning to ‘tune’ in to your systems and understanding the care and maintenance of your vehicle is responsible ownership.
The world of medicine and science is being redefined on all levels and you are the pioneers of this ‘New Body of Information’.
Redefine and Redirect Your World of 3Ds:
If you ‘feel’, stressed, anxious, confused, fearful, angry or sad, use this information as a systems warning. Don’t ignore it. Acknowledge it. Be responsive to it. If these programs or states of being can be understood as a systems’ response to an unnatural condition, a precursor to the 3Ds’, then you can take charge and direct your ‘being’ and re-direct your physical experience.
What does this mean?
All information is fed and assimilated into your body’s system via an energetic exchange.
Your body is receiving and sending information, just like your Mac or PC and is fed countless bytes of information either directly by you OR indirectly via another source of interaction.
Simply stated:
There are many ways that we interact and assimilate information into our systems. Respiration and Inhalation of substances, as well as direct ingestion of foods, liquids or chemicals are obvious forms of data input. Chemical applications applied to the body, such as lotions creams, and sprays are maybe less obvious.
Even less obvious or unnoticed are the continuous energetic interaction with our environment and others.
Everything is form of energy, a form of ‘information’, seeking to share its ‘information’. This is a natural and dynamic exchange. You as an energetic being are interacting and sharing your information with everyone and all things.
Remember the adage … “If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say it at all”. Well, that might be polite and politically correct however, if you are thinking and feeling a not so nice idea, you are conveying that information, spoken or not.
Lets examine the effects of energy information exchange:
Energy information is conveyed through frequency and felt within the body’s organs and systems as vibration. Your systems recognize that vibration as either harmonious or disharmonious to your natural integral program, by giving you a feeling.
When you are in synch and your systems are functioning harmoniously you get and put out a ‘good feeling’ or a higher vibratory state. You are feeling uplifted and your state of being is felt and shared by all. You are giving and receiving from a stress free state and this will be reflected in your inner and outer world.
Moreover, the information that is held in the energy field creates through resonance an attraction of similar vibration. This information is processed through and within the physical body.
So in review:
The foods you ingest, the water you drink, your thoughts, and interactions, perceived or not, as well as the air you breathe all contain information or programs that are read by your body. The information is then read as either consistent with a ‘stress free state’ which directs health, vitality, and sustainability or a ‘stressed system’ which directs the 3Ds’.
Your Body was designed to read and scan data that is then directed at a biochemical and physiological level, in order to keep your machine functioning with flawless precision. Your innate, organic design, and functioning contains programs that self-diagnosis, repair and regenerate and therefore self-sustain.
Well then you ask, if I am so perfectly designed, ‘why is my body aging or failing’? Why then am I confused, anxious, and fearful?
So straight Up ... this is what’s up …
And I will respectfully keep this direct:
Learn to understand and put in to practice through awareness and discernment the mechanics and functioning of your physical body and your vehicle.
I will repeat this because of its relevance to NOW:
The world of medicine and science is being redefined on all levels and you are the pioneers of this ‘New Body of Information’.
This is a new way of understanding and being for most of us, which includes your current health care providers that have dedicated their careers to the care of your well-being. It requires a RE-education for everyone and we are the pioneers.
You, reading this, are the pioneers of this New Paradigm therefore, you must learn and understand this for yourself, practice it, ask for it, and bring awareness to it.
If you are unaware of your natural state of ‘being’, If you are unfamiliar with how it ‘feels’ to be in your organic state: you can not be directive of the flow of information you receive, thus you are allowing your most precious gift to be ‘hacked, hijacked, and spammed’.
Stress, and the ‘trauma’ it creates within your cells and systems have degenerative biological properties. These properties create psychological and physiological imbalance, unnatural aging, diminished capacities, and disease. No cream, No cosmetic alteration, and No magical pill will “fix” or eradicate this process.
You may say that stress and trauma are the resultant products of being hacked, hijacked, and spammed with programs of information that are contrary to your natural state of being.
This information may gain entry to your physicality in many forms such as: genetically modified foods, pesticides, inorganic substances, recreational drugs, biologicals, chemicals, and inherited or cultural belief systems.
They are all forms of information input into your system.
Visual or auditory sensory stimulants, such as news, movies, music, books, organizations or anything that incites and re-enforces beliefs and programs of limitation and fear. You can feel a fear/limitation packet of information. If you have awareness, you can choose to accept it or not.
Fear programs, freeze you systems, they create confusion and inability to directive take action. They create repetitive, cyclic, re-occurring impotent states of REaction.
These viral programs, like all viruses have consumptive properties. They plague their host, override programs, and make you stressed, sick, and functionally creatively ineffective.
Take account of all the insidious bio degenerative stressors.
Your natural state of being feels peaceful, balanced, joyful and drama free. Anything contrary is not who you are.
Pay Attention and start to assess each situation, each encounter, and each substance you allow into your experience, your physicality, and feel its effect. Choose what you desire in your experience.
Begin to value yourself and your expression more.
Monitor your input.
For example here is something many of us do: Listen to the News, dramatic interpretations or expressions of others. Does it feel peaceful or does it incite anger, frustration or anxiety? Stress emotions created by any form are the body’s signals of warning.
So Don Your Hazmat Suit and recognize that in “stress mode” your body is under siege. You are the Creative Director of your design….. so suit up and utilize your power of heart centered awareness and discernment.
Open your transformational toolbox and work your magic:
Utilize the ABC’s of resuscitation: Awareness, Breathe, and Connect
Feel, discern, neutralize, and transform that which is inconsistent to your design.
This is a new time, a new day and a new understanding which heralds an elevation of consciousness, heightened awareness and knowledge to allow self-directed well-being. It is an evolution of humanity.
You are creating a brand new being, in situ. Be gentle with yourself and be responsible with your gift. Love does not hurt : ) This is a process and an evolution of being. It takes a bit of patience, trust and re education.
You can begin to instruct and reprogram your being as you choose, so that you can order your intrinsic abilities and be directive as to allow your fullest creative potential to unfold.
It is the feeling practice and the unfolding process, which yields ultimate mastery of this coveted Human experience.
I thank you for your time.
Feel good …
D Sorkin
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