In our Body, it is our Heart that is the most powerful generator of electromagnetic energy. We communicate with our environment through the electromagnetic properties of the heart. It is our Heart that interacts and reads the informational encodings of our emotions. These encodings are based on your definitions and beliefs of yourself and your environment.
It is the heart that communicates to the Brains’ command center, the information contained in your emotion. It is then at the brain command center that the body’s’ biological systems’ response is directed at a cellular level.
Your change of heart can affect your state of health
It is through the feeling Heart that you can in any moment, reassign, redefine and redirect meaning to any experience.
When you reassign meaning to any experience from one of the emotional “wounded warrior” to the emotion of “accomplished expert”, you shift your vibration to a higher, more expanded and empowered state.
You are the ‘accomplished expert’ of your own life design. You are in charge of the information you choose to believe, and, most importantly, your reaction to that information.
In this scenario, acceptance and responsibility of change begins with you and with the understanding—that by extension of the interconnection of all things—your ‘change of heart’ is reflected into your environment.
The heart of “accomplished expert” views life from a higher state of consciousness, which reflects information that is more in alignment with the truth of who you are.
This ‘change of heart’ literally, sends a different information signal to the brain. This new information signal then alters the system’s response, and directly creates a different effect in our body’s physiological functioning. We can see this response directly, for example, as a change in blood pressure and heat rate, but the real underlying mechanism of change is the new information your cells are receiving and responding to.
When we take charge of the information we receive and transmit from the heart by redefining our world, we become empowered to direct our well being on a personal and collective level.
You are the pioneers and caretakers of your ‘New Body of Information’, feel the difference and begin to navigate your world with… The Power of Your Heart.
Till Next Time,
Till Next Time,
D Sorkin M.D.
Copyright © 2011-12.
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this written material on the condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed.
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this written material on the condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed.