Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Sustainable Human models the highest level of Integrity:

Change your words into truths and then change that truth into love.

Till next time,
D Sorkin M. D.

Inspiration by Stevie Wonder; As

Copyright 2011-2012
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this written material on the condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Listen to Your Body.

 By Roy Lichtenstein

Learn To Feel through your heart, what is right for you.

Focus your attention inward at the heart center and observe how your body feels.
Recognize how your body reacts by feeling its reaction to: confrontation, fear, joy, love, and to peace.

Your body’s feeling response to these emotional states is a powerful system of guidance. Use them as such.
Love, Peace, Joy, and Fun are higher vibratory or frequency states that are consistent with harmony, balance, and intrinsic states of well-being.

Fear, Anger, Frustration, and Confusion are lower vibratory or frequency states, which represent misaligned or inconsistent information attempting to be inputed. In that moment of Awareness, you can make a choice to accept or override that informational data.
Making this shift can be as simple as taking a single breath, shifting your thought and directing your intent to that of a higher vibrational state.

The information you Input whether Consciously or Unconsciously accepted, sets up within your Body a series of Biochemical, Physiological, and Cellular Responses. Your Vibratory state, the frequency and the information it holds creates an environment conducive for Dis-ease or Well-Being.

Listen, Feel, and Respond
This is the navigational system of the Sustainable Human. Your body is a miraculous and powerful apparatus that Accommodates and Expresses your Being. Understanding the mechanics of who you are and what you are made of will allow you to make conscious, intelligent and directive choices about your own Health and Well-Being.
Listen, Feel, and Respond
These are valuable tools for developing any relationship.
Why not start with the one relationship that makes a difference?

Till next time:

D Sorkin
Helpful techniques to raise your vibration:

Copyright © 2011-12.
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this written material on the condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Birds Eye View

Look at your world from an expanded state of awareness.
Compassionately and Gracefully Detach from what you thought you knew and what you thought you were. Begin a new learning curve by Re-defining all the parameters of your life, coming from a place of unlimited potential, and empowered directorship.
Ask: What is this doing for me, instead of: What is this doing to me? This single shift in thought takes you from a position of victim, to a position of power. In making this shift you are allowing yourself the opportunity to be fully coherent with your true Universal design.
Make room for New Ideas and Points of Reference to come to your awareness, by doing this you invite Miracles to manifest in your reality.
Till next time,
D. Sorkin M.D.
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Copyright © 2011-12. 
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this written material on the condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Sustainable Human

Experience is The Greatest Teacher
The Shift to Re-defining and Re-educating our perception of Health and Healing begins with just one person who dares to share their experience …..
There are many accounts of near death experiences recorded (NDE) and just as many inexplicable ‘medical miracles’. It has been my own experience, as a physician, to witness what we call ‘medical anomalies of healing’ as well as, observe many patients recall their own (NDE). The link provided shares one woman’s amazing story and message that is presented with clarity and insight.
While her healing can be viewed as extraordinary, in fact we all create ‘miracles’ of healing everyday for ourselves. Our body and its systems have intricate mechanisms to miraculously restore and maintain health. If we took a microscopic view of just one cell and observed the complexity of its working we would truly be in awe of our design. Understanding and appreciating the brilliant design of your most precious gift, sets the stage for your miracles of healing to become commonplace. 
In this interview Anita Moorjani’s shares her story from a new perspective for living from what has now become her foundational truth and ability to speak fearlessly about her experience.
Wisdom and Maturity come with Experiential Learning.
Life Experience gives us an opportunity to review, change, expand our awareness, perceptions, and beliefs and thus alter our life outcomes. Our reality construct is based on our definitions, beliefs, and our perceptions from which we take actions and then direct our experiences. Wisdom and maturity comes from this experiential learning. The most powerful learning is through your own experience. No one can refute your experience it is unique to you. No two individuals experience the same situation in exactly the same way.
A wise and seasoned player evolves his experiences, is fearlessly adept to change and knows, what held true for yesterday, may not be held to the same truth today. This is how we Evolve. This is how we are evolving.
Pioneering a New Science based on Experienced Based Evidence Learning.
Medicine and Science are also changing, evolving and expanding into areas that once would have been considered unimaginable. Even Crazy. Currently, theses sciences are redirecting their focus, pioneering an experienced based evidence model. It is timidly beginning to recognize and bring to bear evidence that can no longer be denied … the cooperative power of the human mind, heart, and spirit to create what was named ‘miracles’, but in fact is the genetics under which we operate. 
The New Paradigm of Science and Medicine operates under a foundational principle that recognizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of life. It acknowledges, that all things, all systems, work together as one seamless unit in order to evolve, maintaining balance and harmony.
It follows then to understand:
The concept of healing is not about the healing of a particular disease or illness ..... 
True healing is about healing the etiology of all imbalanced states.
We achieve this by transforming our own programs of information that are founded on fear and limitation thus, restoring and resetting our original internal programs of infinite potentiality, balance, and harmony. It begins with each individual discovering, understanding, and accepting that they are so much more than a body that is subject to disease, pain, and strife. It requires that we each assume a responsible posture for ourselves, our planet, and for us as a species. It is a re-education process.
Health and Well-being begins with recognizing and accepting we do not exist in isolation or separation from any part of the whole.
If we look to Science and Medicine with a discerning eye, we can uncover the evolving evidence to support the innate cellular intelligence that allows directive influence of our own health and environment.
It is the idea of thought, translated as energy information, its effect, and influence on our cellular and genetic make up, that is becoming more defined and acceptable as points of reference within the scientific community. This area of science and study called ‘Epigenetics’ demonstrates how your environment and your choices can influence your genetic code and by extension that of your children. 
Your thoughts or mind energy information and its affect on your healing have been well recognized, accepted and demonstrated in the Placebo effect and additionally, the Nocebo effect.
The  Placebo effect of “positive or negative” outcomes based on beliefs, also demonstrate and support important information that validates the emerging shift in Medicine and Science. 
Theses evolving models acknowledge the well-documented concepts of perception and beliefs that have proven to affect and alter our physical wellness. These new understandings assist to retire the old paradigm of limitative healing capacities and address the broader principles of a self-directed healing within the Unified Wholeness Construct.
Thank you for sharing your time I hope you will enjoy the audio and visuals presented below.
Till Next Time,
D. Sorkin M.D.

The Strange Powers of the Placebo Effect
* Additional links for your reference:
* As promised the link for Anita Moorjani and her story.

* Spiritual reality NDE: This inspiring accounts of many who describe their near death experiences.
* The clips below are microscopic views into the inner world of the body and the amazing intelligence and design. As you view these clips keep in mind that their functioning is directly influenced and directed by you. More discussions on that topic to follow …
* Our other life the cell: Animation of the Cell. Gives a visual and descriptive understanding of our inner world. 
* 3D Animation of the Cells in the Body;

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Copyright © 2011-12. 
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this written material on the condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed.