Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Sustainable Human

 Part 3: The Art of Graceful Transition

photo by: Lennart Nilsson
Redefining the Parameters of Health and Healing For the
New Sustainable Human.
The concept of healing is not about the healing of a disease or illness ..... 
True healing is about healing the etiology of all imbalanced states. This is achieved by transforming our programs of information which are founded on fear and limitation thus, restoring our original master program of infinite potentiality, balance, and harmony.

In our previous Human Cycle we have experienced and created based on contrast situations predicated on “fear”.
One of the major fears held both within the Individual and Collective Human Consciousness is the fear of disease, death, and mortality. 
We now understand that the fear information if chronically accepted, permeates, infiltrates, and reflects into our individual and collective actions. It is fear information that made us partners in war, in hate, and greed. It is this same information set that creates debilitating effects, instability, and disease within our biological systems.

We have experienced and now understand the insidious programming of fear information that disables our natural biological defenses, and allows default programs of conditioned response to play out without our conscious consent.

What is unknown, unspecified, or without reference when viewed from a limited and finite position based on fear, impedes our spiritual and intellectual growth and leaves us vulnerable as a consciousness and a species. These same concepts when viewed from an expanded vision invite an exhilarating experience to explore and discover with infinite potentiality.
As we move into this new and upgraded version of “humanness”, it will serve us at this juncture to understand the epidemiology of the unbalanced or diseased state, as well as, the proper care and maintenance of your new conscious vehicle. 
While some may still ascribe to the many and multiple, geophysical disasters, wars, plagues, and near extinctions the planet and humanity has endured, there can be no comparison to that of the most notorious viral expression of all times .…. Fear. This clever and insidious agent had almost succeeded in the capture and bondage of human consciousness.
Fear is known as a word, a concept and a feeling, but it is also a vibration, a frequency and a pattern of information. The patterned information of fear holds a particular vibration or frequency of information that by its nature and design holds us in an un-natural, restrictive, repetitive, and thus disempowered state. It is not coherent with our innate programs and that includes our original program of health and well-being.
Let’s discuss how this patterning of information can affect your physical cells, your health and well-being.
Your physical body has an original master program, designed to be coherent with universal information and structure. In this design, all things work in concert together; nothing is designed to operate separately. This means that you have the same ‘program design properties’ as all other structures in the Universe and are made to be coherent within the universal arrangement.
If we examine the properties of a physical cell in nature, structure and design, its’ operational properties are no different than the operational properties of our planet, galaxy or universe. In this plan, all structures are interconnected and symbiotic, they all have analogous mechanisms to re-cycle, renew, and redesign. 
The master program of your physicality defines self-repair, self-regeneration, self-renewal, and can function autonomously and to perfection. It is natural. It is Auto-responsive. 
The Universal properties inherent in this design are based on infinite existence and potentiality for everything coherent with that design.
For us here, with our focus on planet earth, that includes a program designed for infinite health and well-being and balance. Yay!
Q: So then Straight up ... you ask,  “How then can disease and systems’ dysfunction be created if we have a Perrrrrfect program”?
A: This program can be overwritten, if directed by the operator. The operator in this case is you.
Q: Now why would you consciously override a program that allows you perfect health and well-being?
A: Well, remember as we have discussed all information input into your system is either allowed or disallowed by you the operator. You are interacting with all forms of energy information streaming from your environment in each moment. It is always up to you, to allow for the transfer and assimilation of that information.
As we are transitioning and acclimating to higher states of consciousness, it can be a bit disorienting and confusing as we still ‘see’ the choices that are steeped in old patterns of belief, still available for play.
We still hear the voices of the ‘experts’ telling us that we are vulnerable, weak, subject to disease, and we may still see many confirm these ‘expert warnings’ by manifesting the visible evidence of suggestions by fear induced programs.  
We are still being exposed to the choices, of the old systems  such as, prophylactic treatment for the newest pandemic threat. As with all things, use your higher level of knowledge and discernment in all situations and consult your own inner wisdom. 
Maintain your Source connection, the Universal body of information that designed, created, and sustains all of life in this universe. By allowing that flow through your being you are entrained and restored to balance and wholeness.
Compassionately and gracefully detach from what you thought you knew and what you thought you were. Begin a new learning curve by redefining the parameters of your life, coming from a place of unlimited potential, and empowered directorship. In doing this you are allowing yourself the opportunity to be fully coherent with your true universal design.
There is so much more information yet to come. Allow new ideas and points of reference to come to your awareness. Be directive.
Our job at this point is to know that we are so much more, and begin to look for evidence of this and believe or let your “being live” that belief in your reality. Being is a state ... which defines a frequency of information that you reflect. Discern the premise of the information that suggests you are powerless, weak, and vulnerable and make a conscious choice of whether to input that information into your system or not.
I am not saying that in the immediate interim, not to choose the support of conventional or alternative therapies if it feels aligned for you. I am saying that living from a state of expanded awareness will allow you to alter, your perceptions, and beliefs which will then allow you to draw the evidence needed to support you, as you engage in this new way of being.
We have discussed previously that, food, drugs, visual or auditory projections, such as: television, music or books all are forms of information, which you may accept, or reject to define your reality experience as you choose. 
Information programming comes in all forms of energy exchange and you have an exciting and elaborate buffet to choose from to direct your earthly experience, particularly at this time. Look at it as exciting, all of it and make conscious choices. We do that by staying ‘present or conscious’, rather than defaulting to our subconscious programs. You cannot be a conscious being running a ‘sub or below’ consciousness program, it is a contradictory state. 
So now let’s talk about some oops … “Holdbacks” that previously blocked us from availing ourselves of our perfect design.
The Conditioned and Chronic Fear State: The Viral Program
The continuous input of the frequency information that is held in fear, as it enters the cells, freezes its memory and disrupts its proper functioning.
It literally, creates an overload on the cellular structures and designs that are programmed to recognize, discern, and transmute harmful agents.
In the prolonged, chronic or conditioned state of fear we become confused … and in systems alert, we shut out our guidance of feeling. To be in Fear is an unnatural state for us, it is inconsistent with what we know to be our normal functioning. It is incoherent with our master program, which is founded in balance, harmony, and joy.
States of fear are uncomfortable and they do not feel good and project “pain”. Pain for most is not a preferred state. In emotional and physical pain we want it gone ... dissolved ... fast and we allow by default outside influences and remedies to direct our systems, to alleviate or ‘fix the problem’.
The information that Fear transmits keeps us disengaged and separate, Energetically, Emotionally, Spiritually, and Physically. 
In the chronic state of fear, a lower vibratory state of being, we feel lost and disconnected and we begin to live in a state of hyperactivity, of heightened response and we then accommodate our physical body to this state of reactivity. This chronic stressed state is the precursor to many recognized physical and mental anomalies, in addition to being the underlying pathology of all other states of illness that are still in research of a cause. 
In this lower vibratory state we become impotent to effectively direct our own creative abilities, physical world and our physical bodies reflect that state. You reflect and attract the state you are in, the vibration you hold or in other words ‘your state of being’.
Fear is a state of being, a vibration, that reflects a belief that is not in alignment with your master program and its correct use is immediate guidance to stop, evaluate and redirect choice. It is this same vibration that if held over time like a virus, will freeze your systems and override your sovereign programs. It makes you and your cells static and ill functioning and that renders you susceptible and vulnerable.
Use Your Feeling Perception as Your Guidance:
The truth of knowledge is held in a feeling. It is your own feeling sense that stimulates a profound visceral remembrance and it is simple in design: it feels good, it feels peaceful, and it feels complete. No one else can feel it for you.
When you have truth in knowledge it becomes a knowing, a deep understanding, integrated and resonate as feeling within your being. You and only you, know that feeling, that vibration, or encoded visceral response within your own body. This is how you programmed your guidance and it is this program of feeling when applied as a reference point that will allow you to make a directive choices aligned for you.
It is in this feeling sense and knowing that we stop seeking answers from others, approval of others or relying on the perceptions of others. We feel in our core what is truth for our self.
In this place we do not rely, nor behave, based on what we have heard, what others have seen or what others have said. It is in this place that your Miracles are created.

Till next time,
D. Sorkin M.D.
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Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Sustainable Human

Part 2: The Art of Graceful Transition
The Amazing Human Experience
The subject of change, transition, of ‘dying or the shedding of the human form’, and similar questions related to this clandestine subject are conventionally asked in whispered tones, layered in fear and often preceded by a devastating or life altering event. That is however, a very old, very tired game, and unless it still serves you in some way, it is time to move forward onto a new playing ground of expanded awareness and directive choice.

The intent of this passage is to openly discuss and bring light to a subject traditionally held as a quiet self-examination, with conclusions based on knowledge drawn from the inferences of religious text, sociological based or inherited belief systems. 
IT is knowledge that empowers choice and it is the freedom of the imagination, which allows us access to our innate higher wisdom, of “feeling knowledge” and of truth.
So then, let us change it up … Here it is … straight up.
Change or transition, is the dynamic aspect of life and Joy is the directive frequency of information that allows us to know with certitude, that we are aligned in our life purpose.
WE learn and mature as an essence, as a soul with each experience, and thus we expand our levels of awareness and consciousness.
We decide our course through choice. 
You define your experience.
We are not victims to ‘circumstance’ unless we choose to believe so and even that is a directive choice.
It is with each experience, that we design our life story, our life composition if you will, and these choices direct a beginning, filler, and transitional end. You write that story. You direct that story and live that story. If things around you are looking “ugly” and you are not feeling joyful of your experience, it is time to re-define your experience and ........... 
...... Photoshop, Reconstruct, and Reprogram the landscape of your reality.
We direct our experiences each day by choice and yet at some point we still confront and address what is perceived as formidable questions of change, transition, and of our own mortality. 
The Irony of this questioning is that we are the choice makers, the directors, the visionaries, of our existence, and we decide the experience. Thus then, the object of fear, doubt, of purpose, and of our experience of transitioning is a self-directed choice.

All of Creation is purposeful.
Creation gives us life, we give that life meaning by creating, and living our experience and thus creating Is our purpose. We are gifted this ‘Unconditionally’ and it is sustained in ‘Love’.
How we choose to experience this gift is our choice.

Understanding who you are as an essence, an infinite being of a perfected blueprint / formula and embracing the true Human experience allows you to transition from each experience with grace, reverence, compassion and gratitude. 
There is never the need to wait till the extreme of circumstance begs our attention or to remain silently unaware until our last moments command clarity over confusion. Never. We direct our experiences, always, without exception, and the choice we hold is whether to do it consciously or not.
So in Recap .......
IT is knowledge that empowers choice and it is the freedom of the imagination, which allows us access to our innate higher wisdom, of feeling knowledge and of truth. Re-examine, redefine, and reset your living landscape, all of it, for there is nothing that must Be unless you will it so.
Let the games begin .......
So let’s Just Imagine, ‘The Amazing Human Journey’…

Imagine that the truth of why we have come is to have an exquisite experience, an opportunity to refine our craft, and creative abilities, by experiencing all that we create. 
Just imagine that by choosing this vehicle, this magnificent complex physical, and sensory apparatus we call a body, we could taste, smell, see, and FEEL all that we create. 
We could in effect become our creations as we merge our senses with our ideas.
Through this experience, this merging, and blending of our Creative force, we would learn to hold and appreciate with great respect, gratitude, and love all that we create ... 
We become benevolent Conscious Creators.
 We come here to fulfill that desire.
We come to expand our Consciousness, Master our perceived Human limitations, and to refine our creative abilities through a material physical vehicle. 
We create and we experience our creations with the intent to evolve consciousness so uniquely, through contrast situations, through choice, and through responsibility so that we may learn to create in alignment with Universal Principles applied within the context of Physical Laws.
We understand that this is a very cool, unique, and coveted opportunity to explore and expand consciousness, mature our own creative abilities, and to evolve spiritually. It is our intent to complete our task without distraction or delay.
We understand and welcome the challenge all in fun and excitement and we challenge ourselves to get it done with clarity and precision.
We are the choice-makers, the directors and the visionaries of our life story and the experiences of that story.
From this vantage we are powerful, unlimited and creative authors filled with joy, love, and gratitude for this exhilarating ride.
Now, that’s my perception of one of the most exquisite and exciting experiences offered for consciousness expansion, and if you’re here ... well, seems you bought the golden ticket for the same ride. 

So relax, trust in you, as a greater consciousness and allow your own innate higher wisdom to align in Source flow and guide you through feeling as you transition into your next adventure …

The Blame Game is over, The Field is reset … so smile, tip your hat, and with swagger in your stride move on feeling wiser and far richer for the experience. You are kind of a big deal … you know

Next Up: Understanding The Transitional Phase of “Human Health” and Re-defining the Parameters of Healing.

Till next time,

Deborah Sorkin M.D.

If you are just joining us -- please feel free to refer back to the beginning of the series: 
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Copyright © 2011-12. 
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this written material on the condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Sustainable Human

Part 1: The Art of Graceful Transition: The Process, Purpose and Practice Series. 
     This compilation of essays is dedicated to the understanding and practice of ‘The Art of Graceful Transition’. It is divided into essay segments that build a basic framework of understanding, is intended to spark a remembrance of the art of transition, and to bring clarity to this process. The construct of these essays is designed to develop and unfold information in a multilayered format. It is not my intent to prove or convince, but rather to share this information for your own consideration and your own individual discernment. My role and my purpose is to ‘plant new seeds in a new way’, to hold the highest levels of awareness and information available to assist in the ‘Evolutionary Expansion of the New Human Consciousness’.
     Emerging from this system as an awakened being and traditionally trained as a physician, I have personally experienced and truly appreciate the confusion that exist and is perpetuated within the many failing societal systems, including the health system. My own experience of navigating the awakening and transformational process within these systems was an excellent preparatory “crash course”, to bring compassion, awareness, recognition, and acknowledgement to this very obscured and yet very real and natural process of Awakening, Discovering, and Transitioning to higher states of consciousness. 

     The content of these essays will reflect my own direct experience, observations, and reference with this subject. I look forward to your questions, comments, and additions.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me!

Implied consent is described as consent that is inferred from signs, actions or inactions, silence or indifference.

We interact with energies in all forms everyday. All interactions are a form of energy exchange. The thoughts, words, deeds, and actions that we reflect and receive are all forms of information. 

You through some form of consent, whether it be implied or directive, assimilate that Energy Information and authorize transfer of that information into your consciousness. Therefore, it follows that your experiences and your choices are always directed by consent. The caveat is, are they consciously or covertly directed?
The Human in Transition: Sustainable and Directive.

The object of any transitional state, of which there are many, including the shedding of the physical form or what we call ‘physical death’, is to refresh, renew, restart a cycle, and a new experience.

We transition in each moment without fear, with each breath, to renew and recycle our systems.

We transition each night, in trust, as we fall to sleep and awaken to a new day.

We transition in personality and in being, as we play our roles as parents, as workers, and as lovers.

Each transition, heralds a new beginning, a new adventure, and a new cycle.

The circle, the cycle, of all things continues in perpetual motion and yet our typical conditioned response to the concept of change, transition or 'physical death' evokes the extremes of fear which is then played out in our personal and global arenas, and is reflected in our behavior, attitude, thoughts, and actions.

The goal is that by thoughtfully expressing a new format of information at this time, it will bring an elevated level of awareness that will empower and assist in releasing the anxiety and fear associated with change. 
It is in this expanded awareness that we can then understand and accept the beauty of transitioning from one life experience to the next.

We can achieve this understanding by directing our experiences through our own ‘Expressed Consent’.

‘Expressed Consent' will be defined as: to give conscious approval, assent, or permission.
By utilizing conscious and heart centered ‘Expressed Consent’, as a thought, word, deed or action, we energetically command and direct our own life experiences. 

It is in this state of conscious awareness that all choices including fear then becomes a self-responsible posture / program of choice of experience and not an automatic / default program of victim participation. 

In the following essays we will discuss the purpose, and the practice of becoming a conscious and directive human as well as the importance of understanding and embracing your Human Experience.
Till Next Time ... Enjoy Your HUman

Next Up
Part 2: The Art of Graceful Transition.
The Amazing Human Experience.
Deborah Sorkin M.D.

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Copyright © 2011-12. 
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this written material on the condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed