Monday, May 30, 2011

The New Sustainable Human: A Conscious Evolution

Conscious Intelligent Choice:

          Health and Well-Being is Both a State of Mind and a Choice.
                        We are living in a most exciting time in Earth's History.
It is a pivotal time, one of tremendous potential for us both as individuals and as collective members of our HUman society. It is also a time for us to step up and assume the role as mentors and caretakers of an Evolving Conscious Species.  
A prerequisite awareness and understanding of your own Biology and its dynamic interconnected relationship to all things Is responsible action.
It is the time to learn the instruction set, your instruction set, so that you will become informed, inspired and empowered to create your reality, your health and your well being as you choose and thus create a New Paradigm for Living and Being.
It is our discovery, personal journey, and the creative experience both individually and collectively, as expressed and directed Consciously, that will determine the ‘New Paradigm of Being’ and the “New Sustainable Human”.
Understanding the mechanics of who you are and what you are made of will allow you to make conscious, intelligent and directive choices about your own Health and Well-Being.
‘Who you are and What you are’ is an: Infinite, Intelligent, Multi- sensory Multi-Dimensional Being, Interactive, and Resonant with all things.
You were created with the basic same “blueprint” as all of creation that is infinite, self sustaining, self directed, self correcting and self aware. 
In other words … Sustainable ...
Energy and Form:
All of existence is Energy, which manifest in infinite forms and which has inherent electromagnetic and vibrational properties. You are part of existence … thus you are an energy form and posses the same properties..
Energy can be created, never destroyed, it is transmuted or transformed and therefore infinite ...
You are an infinite energy in a physical form…
Yes, You are all that … and possess, innately, Infinite potentiality … as a creative director of your own Health and Well-being and your Experience.
Energy and Thought: 
It is the concept of Thought, translated as an energy form, and its effect, and influence on our cellular and genetic make up, which are becoming more defined and acceptable as points of reference within the scientific community. Our understanding of these influences at a biochemical and structural level continue to evolve exponentially. But where is that Thought or Mind energy generated? How do we harness that energy in its purest form to effectively and to consciously direct and influence our own Bio-System and how can we develop an understanding of how to interact with conscious intent these unseen influences?
To develop an understanding of this process at first glance, it is best described simplistically and allegorically: 
We can say that the Human Bio-System was created to be the ultimate and perfected operational creative machine. It was designed to function with flawless precision, perfection and accuracy. When fed information, the command center would input, process, and alter a myriad of interconnected systems, spontaneously and autonomously based on its original perfected command programmed information.
Thus, the ultimate and perfect operational Creative machine: self contained and self directed. Our data input, however, mostly derived from our External Environment, is a constant barrage of data input: Unfiltered, Uncensored and Unconscious.
Simply, all data is accepted and its systems' response is executed. With no viral protection installed, the computer accepts all programs and input information.
This Uncensored, Unfiltered, Unconscious information (or input) is plagued with computer viruses and inconsistent programs. If these entries are uncensored they are allowed to replicate and act on the original programs and thus create a damaging effect on the system, cells and its operations creating (misalignments) or dis-ease.
This concept is supported by many current scientifically accepted models of ‘Epigenetic Studies’ “Our thoughts or data input control our genes, not the other way around”.
As these new concepts in Medicine continue to emerge and shift our understanding of the Mechanics of the Human Biology System and its infinite interplay with its unseen environment, we are recognizing the importance of evolving our traditional understanding, and training to accommodate these new concepts and understandings into a New Experiential Paradigm of learning and practice.
In this series We will explore and experience how as Human beings and intelligent life, we are informed where or how we are vibrating through our Emotional Guidance System. It is this sensitive Human GPS that detects Human emotions as vibratory frequencies. It is these emotions, which are representative of energy translated as feelings, that are somatic manifestations of acquired beliefs, and patterns that should be used to guide us back into alignment. 
We will address the mechanics of how to recognize, correct and restore these misalignments by organically raising our Frequency, which is achieved spontaneously by alignment of our energy field specifically and with directed focus and intent to Source frequency. We will experience Source frequency, which is defined as Pure Consciousness, the inherent, primordial frequency that permeates though all of creation in this Universe. We will discuss how it is by access to this pure consciousness that begin to reprogram our Biological System so that we can decide, influence and command our health and well being, beyond the self-limiting constructs and beliefs we have acquired as individual and collective members of this reality.
It is the Merging, the Experience and the Integration of these concepts in Science, Spirituality and Medicine into a cohesive, whole practice that encompasses this empowering new Paradigm of Practice. 
Life Science and Consciousness Medicine provides a frame work for Universal understanding of who you are and how you work and to provide a working model for a "New Paradigm" of living based on the infinite potentiality of the  Sustainable Human.
I hope you will join me in this exciting new series For Details visit my web site:

Till next time:
D Sorkin M.D. 
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Copyright © 2011-12. 
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this written material on the condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Express Yourself:

The Master Charles Wright’s reflection of “Express Yourself” reveals a vision of great wisdom in Universal Truth.

The infinite and intricate mechanics in the expression of Consciousness when distilled to its purest form is very simple.
“Just express yourself”. When you are in the “alignment” with your essence, the baseline stripped down and care-free, unlimited, unrestricted version of your being, you can only express from the Truth of who you really are.
Understanding the concept of alignment:
Why is the concept and mechanism of alignment important to the understanding of consciousness and the creative process?
Conceptually, consider this action: I drop an object on the floor, let’s say my pen, and I pick it up. It is a seemingly effortless task and it “feels” effortless because:
All energies are committed and coherent to that creative task and thus with the perception of minimal effort the creative task can be manifested.
The task itself requires a myriad of complex, interconnected and synchronized, biochemical, physiological, and anatomical actions. However, when all of the systems are aligned to the same task, focused and directed it becomes seamless, effortless in its execution.
In our example, all of my thoughts, mind energy or consciousness, my silent words of intent ‘I will pick up the pen’, followed by the action of movement required to pick up the pen are all in alignment.
If I were incoherent and unfocused about the task, for example: I’m not sure, should I pick up the pen now, leave it on the floor, should I use my left hand or right, do I bend, stoop or crawl are demonstrative of how I am imputing both inconsistent, misaligned data, and thus, creating chaos and confusion in my systems.

When my thought or mind energy is scattered, weak with no directive force to the other systems to perform an action, when I am not aligned in thought and action, the creative task becomes frustrating and difficult.
The energy or information input in this case, which is modulated via frequency to set a systems response on an Energetic--Biochemical--Mechanical level, will not be able to find its match or “resonance” to execute the appropriate actions.
This process works in an unbiased fashion, meaning, it does not judge or censor either the information input or the outcome of your desired creation.  It is “mechanical” in process.

You can create therefore, something that is a preferred reality, as well as, something that is not of your preference unless you Consciously direct your energy.

Look at all points of perception, all angles of direction. 
Who and what are being served by this creation. For example: If I am drawn to the transmutation of a certain consciousness i.e. disease, poverty, war etc. and I put all my efforts into all the different ways of supporting eradication of that state, in my support, I have actually added to that consciousness.
Love as a Principle and Concept: 
The format and program of any expression of pure Consciousness, the essence, the distilled version is based on ”Love”
That being ‘Love’ as an Unconditional state of how you choose to express and experience your uniqueness without judgment, as well as, ‘Love’ as a Formula, a Frequency, and a Substrate, which catalyzes that Truth….. If we are aligned in this truth, we can then draw upon the Spiritual Wisdom or the application of  “higher knowledge” which is inherent in the Universal Principles of Love, Truth, Beauty and Goodness. 
Our essence is who we really are, Untainted by agendas, greed, lack and need. It is with this understanding, integration and appreciation of the interconnectedness of all things, that we can Consciously Create from the pure essence of our being.
Utilize the mechanics of Creation in cooperation/coherence with your ‘Spiritual Wisdom’. Create with intent, commitment, with passion, in joy, and always in alignment with your ‘Spiritual Wisdom’. It is ‘focused choice’ that allows you to align your being with this foundation.
We are all here for the same Purpose, that of Spiritual Evolution, and to add our Experience with great reverence, to all of Creation, by Expansion of Consciousness through a material physical vehicle.
It is our discovery, personal journey, and the creative experience both individually and collectively, as expressed and directed Consciously, that will determine the ‘New Paradigm of Being’.  A “New Sustainable Human”.

Don’t be afraid to learn more, and be more of who you really are.
Express Yourself.
Now is the time.

D Sorkin M.D.
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Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this written material on the condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely